March 8, 2010

Stuff like this only happens to Amanda

(This picture was re-created exactly as it was earlier that morning. The scooter sits about three inches off the ground but you can't tell from this angle. Also, I didn't shove the scooter in as far as when I found it.)
Ok, honestly...stuff like this only seems to happen to me. The other morning last week I took my boy to school. Right afterwards I drove ALL the way down Main Street in Heber (5 miles...which by the way is a happening street at 8:30 in the morning) to get to the Library which is located on the other side of the town kind of by the hospital. I then drove all the way back, passing my home, and while making my way to my friend's Rachel's house I pass by a "Heber Light and Power" truck with two men in it. I see the driver waving both hands in front of his face at me like he was excited to see me. I was flattered. I know a guy in our church who works for "Heber Light and Power" (figured it was him) and I car pull with his wife so I thought nothing of it when I saw him waving both hands at me. So what do I do? I wave back, with both of my hands, just as excited to see him!! And then as he passes me I see his truck in the rear view mirror stop. So I stop. He reverses back. So I reverse back thinking he wants to chat about car pull or some thing. I quickly learn that it was not who I thought it was. They were two gentlemen that I had never seen and they were laughing so hard they could not talk. So I apologize to them thinking they were laughing at me waving frantically back to them. As the driver tries to speak to me in between his laughter he says, "Mam, you've got a pink scooter attached to the front of your van." In shock I quickly get out (seeing that I am still in the middle of the road) and sure enough I had a pink scooter attached to the front of my van. Fortunately, it was raised about three inches from the ground, hence the reason why I did not know that I was caring a pink scooter in front of my van. They are now laughing so hard and so am I. So I go to pull it out of the front grill and it doesn't budge. I use more physical strength and I yank it out. I give a sweet innocent wave and they drove off laughing. I just know that I was the joke of the day at their office. Who knows how many people I passed down main street wondering "Why is there a pink scooter attached to the front of that mini van?"
You may all wonder how this happened. Well, I figured that night before I had made a late run to the grocery store. I always peel into the garage. We have to pull in close because sometimes we have our hitch on and I am used to having to pull in as far as I can so the garage door can shut behind it. The kids sometimes park their scooters against the wall right were I pull in. I am guessing that Lydia parked her scooter there and the pink sponge handle was facing outwards and when I pulled into the garage I jammed the handle into the front grill of my van.
I guess the funniest part about this is the stereo type it gave me: Crazy Mom with crazy kids driving a sweet mini van and she is too flustered to know that she has a pink scooter attached to the front of her van. She is in over her head!"